Zoe at 4 Months

Our baby girl is growing fast, faster than her mama would like to admit. It seems like the last 4 months have flown by. I sit here and write this while I dread my first day back at work tomorrow and leaving my precious angel. Not fun. 
On a happy note, Zoe is growing and growing and getting more personality by the day. I can't wait to see what this little fireball has in store for us!

Fun Filled Days

Evan has been having a lot of fun lately. In the last couple of weeks we have taken him to do some exciting things that he has enjoyed. I'm going to lump these into one long post, or I will never get it all posted. I'm sorry it's so ridiculously long.

Evan has been part of a small sports class at his school since last fall, and has absolutely loved it. They work on all sports and just focus on physical activity and learning the basics of each game. 
He always talks about it and loves Wednesdays when Coach Stephen comes. We decided that since he loved this so much we would try enrolling him in SoccerTots. SoccerTots is program that has a focus on soccer (clearly), but really is just fun way for them to get used to following directions and participating in a class/ team. He has had two classes and so far so good. He seems to really be enjoying himself.

Evan also got to experience his first Sesame Street Live Performance. I found out that they were coming and David and I thought Evan would love it. We were right! It was hard to capture his excitement, but hear are a few photos of him enjoying it. It was such a cool show, and so much fun watching him take it all in.

Last Friday was my last Friday before heading back to work and that also coincided with my mom's half way off as well. We decided to keep Evan home from school and take him to do something fun for the day. We thought about the zoo, but the weather was too gross, so the aquarium it was. 

It was so much fun to spend the day with my mom and both of my little ones. I'm going to miss days like that when I head back to work. Evan had such a fun time and Zoe was quite the trooper. She didn't seem to mind being along for the ride. 
He had a day complete with lots of fish and sharks, our own personal bounce house, many many carousel rides, an ice cream sundae, a few train rides, a trip around the big ferriswheel (i know, crazy), and a funny caricature of Evan riding a giraffe. 



Just wanted to show my little loves on Valentine's Day! Aren't they sweet??


Evan's Valentine's for school. Thank you Pinterest!


This is what my laundry looks like right now! I sure am going to miss these pants when I start back to work! :(

Finger Paint Fun

Last Saturday was such a gross day. We had promised Evan all week that we would finger paint with him on a day that he didn't have school. Saturday morning seemed perfect, and he had a ton of fun. 
He had very specific instructions for David and me, and wanted to be certain that we doing things exactly right. We had to tell him more than once that it was okay for us to paint what we wanted and how we wanted. It's a hard lesson in flexibility for him! 
My child has such an imagination, but is a realist as well. This is never more evident than in his drawing. He likes to tell us all the things that he is "drawing", but when all is said in done he almost always says that he has drawn "water". I find this quite interesting because when he takes a moment to look at what he actually put onto paper, his scribbles do most resemble water. I love watching this little man in action!

One of his masterpieces :)

My Music Man

I wouldn't accurately be capturing my little munchkin if I didn't stop to highlight how in love with music Evan is. It seems like he has been this way since he was born...seriously! 

Not a day goes by that this child is not singing. He has an amazing ability to remember not only the words to songs, but the tune so well that he will often make up his own words to a song that he has previously heard. (He gets this from his Daddy) It is safe to say that I have little to no musical ability, so this is amazing to me. He can stay in tune and on pitch better than I can, hands down! I was trying to teach him how to spell his name and I thought there would be no better way than to teach him with a silly song. It worked. He thought it was very cool.

It's not only singing, though. He loves all instruments and is very creative at making just about anything work for him. He has been known to use sippy cups, golf clubs, bath toys, food, and other random items for instruments. I love his imagination. He will walk around marching, strumming, and beating on all sorts of things making music. It's hard to capture his enthusiasm with photos, but I'm trying my best so I can remember my talented two-year-old!

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Baby girl is growing up way too fast!
I casually put her down on her tummy this morning and the next thing I knew she was on her back. I was quite surprised, and totally didn't expect it. I put her on her tummy again just to see and sure enough she rolled over again. I grabbed my phone and camera really quickly to try to capture this moment. 
I actually thought she was going to roll from back to tummy first because she seemed so much closer that direction. She fooled me!
What a big girl!

She's so close this way too!
