This was big month for Zoe. She is more and more fun each day and showing us so much more of her personality all the time. She is always smiling and is such a content little girl. She can entertain herself on the floor for quite sometime and has recently started army crawling her way around our living room. Zoe is very motivated by things that are new to her, or something she probably shouldn't be playing with. Evan's toys are always a favorite!
The interaction between Zoe and Evan is the best. The more Evan has realized the reactions that he can get from Zoe the harder he works for them. They are so much fun to watch together and she continues to give him the best laughs. She follows him around the room and watches everything he does. She was talking to us the other night and saying "dada" over and over again and Evan got in front of her face and said, "say, Ev-an, Ev-an." It was really cute.
She was fascinated by the sticker on her shirt when we took these pictures, so what you see is what we got!! Already over half a year old...unbelievable!!!

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