Animal Trivia

Evan doesn't always cooperate anymore when we try to video him and his cuteness, but this past week we were able to catch him as he played with his animals.

Like I have mentioned before he has really gotten into playing with his animals and setting up his entire farm. It is really cute, he even closes them in the pin, walks the in and out of the gate, and places them in the barn. He is definitely a boy after his Paw Paw's heart. ;)

He wasn't sure at first that he wanted to participate in my quiz since I was interrupting some very important time spent with his tractors, but nonetheless he decided he would play along!

1 comment:

  1. What a smarty pants! He knows a LOT of animals! My favorite is the fish. :-)
    Mia wanted to watch this video 3 times and got mad when I turned it off. She really likes Evan I think :-)

