My Music Man

I wouldn't accurately be capturing my little munchkin if I didn't stop to highlight how in love with music Evan is. It seems like he has been this way since he was born...seriously! 

Not a day goes by that this child is not singing. He has an amazing ability to remember not only the words to songs, but the tune so well that he will often make up his own words to a song that he has previously heard. (He gets this from his Daddy) It is safe to say that I have little to no musical ability, so this is amazing to me. He can stay in tune and on pitch better than I can, hands down! I was trying to teach him how to spell his name and I thought there would be no better way than to teach him with a silly song. It worked. He thought it was very cool.

It's not only singing, though. He loves all instruments and is very creative at making just about anything work for him. He has been known to use sippy cups, golf clubs, bath toys, food, and other random items for instruments. I love his imagination. He will walk around marching, strumming, and beating on all sorts of things making music. It's hard to capture his enthusiasm with photos, but I'm trying my best so I can remember my talented two-year-old!

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